Juliet fakes her own death using poison.
In Act 4 Scene 3 of the play "Romeo and Juliet", Juliet fakes her death by drinking the poison. This was an attempt to escape from the marriage and unite with her lover, Romeo. She was in dilemma about taking such an action. She was in dilemma that what would happen if Romeo would be late to reach the tomb. She was also worried about trusting the friar or not for such an attempt. The scene is one of the important scenes in the play because of the plan made in order to unite the lovers.
1. nice, kind sue helped matt with his books she is kind, samantha gave sue a cookie she is so nice
2. shut, close she shut the door hard. she softly closed the window
3. happy, Jolly Jolly was she in a good mood she was so happy she jumped up and down
4. hope, wish she hoped her grandma would come soon she wished on the wishing fountain
5. cold, chilly it was very chilly outside. the icecream was cold
6. pair, couple the pair danced to the music, the couple looked very cute
7. boat, ship the boat was very little, the ship had ghost pirates haunting it
I remember from my test the answer was pride. He basically made everybody turn away from him and he never learned from his mistakes bc he was in his own world.
Because you need to state why, saying that people feel warm when it’s hot outside is obvious information you have to give a short explanation to have a stronger claim