The first inventions that harness natural energy resource is Water mill. Back then, people use the power of water to move the lever in order to create mechanical movement.
The invention that help transfer water from river to town is aqueduct. Or more commonly knwon as water bridgte, useful to navigate the movement of water.
Lever is the invention that makes lifting weight easier, mostly used in contruction sites.
Totalitarian regimes, in contrast to a dictatorship, establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their subjects, and are usually headed by a charismatic leader. Fascism is a form of right-wing totalitarianism which emphasizes the subordination of the individual to advance the interests of the state.
The Gettysburg Address is a speech delivered by Abraham Lincoln at the November 19, 1863, dedication of Soldier's National Cemetery, a cemetery for Union soldiers killed at the Battle Of Gettysburg during the American Civil War. ... Everett spoke for two hours, from memory, before Lincoln took the podium.
C. Individuals Sources can give Incomplete Information about an event.
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