I would say it may be because either the Europeans were trying to claim land for themselves. Or, it could be because the Europeans were trying the push their belief of Christianity onto the Indians who were not interested the belief. (Sorry if I'm wrong)
The Ghost Dance was the central rite of a messianic Native American religious ... It attracted many impoverished and unhappy western tribes who had been herded ..... It is possible to find three main roots of the Ghost Dance: earlier religious ...
The advance of Alexander the great's army was stopped by Porus, at the Hydaspes river or<em> the Jhelum river.</em>
Alexander the Great was, stopped by Porus at the banks of Hydaspes river , today named as Jhelum river in Punjab. The battle is popularly known as, "the battle of Hydaspes".
In this battle, Porus was defeated by the armies of Alexander and were destroyed to a higher extent, but his valor had impressed Alexander, and was reinstated as a sub-ordinate ruler under the empire of Alexander.
Historians had marked this battle as an important event of the world history, where the political and cultural values of the<em> Greek cultures came into contact with the culture of Indian sub-continent.</em>
To know more about, Alexander's advances, <em>click here-</em>
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En la cultura inca la educación estaba reservada para los nobles. Seimpartía en las escuelas de su capital, Cuzco, las cuales recibían elnombre deyacha huaci. En ellas se instruía a los jóvenes desde laadolescencia, y se les preparaba para ser sacerdotes o dirigentes.Durante cuatro años estudiaban matemáticas, historia, política,astronomía, medicina y el manejo de los quipu. Los encargadosde la enseñanza eran losamautas, que en lengua quechua significa“maestro” o “sabio”. Ellos eran ayudados por losharavicuso poe-tas, que preparaban lecciones en verso para que los alumnos lasmemorizaran.A las mujeres nobles, que se instruían en elacllahuasio escuela,se les llamabaacllaso “mujeres escogidas”, las cuales eran seleccio-nadas por su belleza; estaban destinadas a los servicios religiososy se les enseñaba a confeccionar finas vestimentas. En ciertas cir-cunstancias, el sapa inca las entregaba como esposas a los más altosdignatarios del gobierno.El resto de los niños no asistía a la escuela, así que eran educa-dos por sus padres. Aprendían a cultivar, cazar y elaborar objetos decerámica, mientras que a las niñas se les enseñaba a tejer, cocinar yhacer labores de limpieza
Truman was the one who adopted a policy of containment. This (arguably) aggressive approach was what influenced America to get into wars such as the Korean War and other smaller conflicts. Meanwhile, Eisenhower was a bit less aggressive. Although his Secretary of State Dulles preached Brinksmanship and was very anti-Soviet, Eisenhower himself was somewhat against this, as shown when he did nothing to prevent the Hungarian Revolt. He also sought to increase U.S-Soviet Relations in the Spirit of Geneva, but the U-2 Incident pretty much erased most of his progress.