From reading the conclusion of the great gatsby, it seems that daisy would have mixed emotions. Firstly initially she would be happy that she can start her life again but in contradiction that her life she wanted to have was full of lies, sorrows and heartbreak.
Swifty: (adj) move with great speed
Petite:A category of clothes for ladies with less than average height
opment (Orpiment): Arsenic trisulfide
Answer: A)
Wild men was the one who had learned too late that those people can end their lives and they are mortal. Wild men is representing how they had wasted their days because they were going for something that they will never catch. Their life was wasted on adventures, actions and events such like that. “And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way”.
They started to grieve because they were now aware of their folly lives and they could not do nothing about it. Their youth passed.