Part A:
B. Even criminals deserve some kindness from others.
Part B:
C. The marshal is polite to Miss Fairchild, treating her like a lady
Not so sure bout that, but hope i helped:)
1. This relates to the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. After Gawain rode in order to find the Green Chapel and face the Green Knight he stays at the castle of the local lord who proposes him a game. He will give Gawain what he caught that day and Gawain was to give him whatever he won that day. On the last day lords wife gives Gawain a green sash that will make him invulnerable and he will need it if he is to survive the meeting with the Green Knight. He withholds this from the lord. Gawain thus breaks his promise and it serves as a reminder of his failure to uphold the knightly ideals. This is why he decides to wear it, as a reminder of his failure.
2. After his fight with the Green Knight, who turned out to be the lord Gawain stayed with, he recounts the tale of his ordeal to his fellow knights. He explains them the importance of the green sash as well. They laugh but agree suggest they begin wearing them for his sake. It is thus through the ages seen as the symbol of honor.
The snowstorm!
Hope this helps!
Have a great day:)
The influence of a special person on my behavior. How I have dealed with a difficult situation. What lessons I have learned through studying the genealogy of my family. A prejudice that involved me. An Eureka moment: you suddenly understood how something works in life you had been struggling with earlier. How you helped someonelse and what you learned from her or him, and from the situation.
You're basically making the most of a moment, for example, his silk tie gleams in the sunlight, is an example.
Hope this helps