Right here. I as well am a student from grad point. Just search up, or ask your question. It will be answered as quickly as possible.
The Internet Engineering Task Force is the premier internet standard body that defines standard internet protocols like TCP/IP. It is a large community that consists of operators, network designers, researchers and vendors drawn from the internet society’s individual and organization bodies and is concerned with the evolution and the smooth operation of the internet.
Big difference
Loops allow you to execute code multiple times while a condition is true
Functions allow you to “call” a snippet of code whenever you want, and you can pass it arguments that could affect the data it returns
The answers are as follows:
a) F(A, B, C) = A'B'C' + A'B'C + A'BC' + A'BC + AB'C' + AB'C + ABC' + ABC
= A'(B'C' + B'C + BC' + BC) + A((B'C' + B'C + BC' + BC)
= (A' + A)(B'C' + B'C + BC' + BC) = B'C' + B'C + BC' + BC
= B'(C' + C) + B(C' + C) = B' + B = 1
b) F(x1, x2, x3, ..., xn) = ∑mi has 2n/2 minterms with x1 and 2n/2 minterms
with x'1, which can be factored and removed as in (a). The remaining 2n1
product terms will have 2n-1/2 minterms with x2 and 2n-1/2 minterms
with x'2, which and be factored to remove x2 and x'2, continue this
process until the last term is left and xn + x'n = 1