According to Liza, "ladies" are cleaner than commoners because poor people do not have the luxuries that make bathing pleasant.
Liza says: "I tell you, it's easy to clean up here. Hot and cold water on tap, just as much as you like, there is. Woolly towels, there is; and a towel horse so hot, it burns your fingers. Soft brushes to scrub yourself, and a wooden bowl of soap smelling like primroses. Now I know why ladies is so clean. Washing's a treat for them. Wish they saw what it is for the like of me!"
This quote clearly states that, before the bath she was given by Higgins' housekeeper, bathing for her was not such a pleasant activity (probably she bathed with cold water and unscented sopa, if any.)
b tremendously
it is tremendously as both mean a significant amount of something eg happening
It is the evening of August 6. After 12 hours of post-bomb suffering, a Japanese naval launch moves slowly down the seven rivers of Hiroshima, stopping at strategic spots. A young naval officer in a neat uniform announces that there is hope and that the people should be patient because help — a naval hospital ship — is coming. The survivors breathe easier knowing help is on the way.
"It burns the prettiest of any wood" is a phrase that, through allegory, focuses on the concept of equality, by establishing that everything that has the same characteristics will ultimately have the same result, since the intrinsic equal nature of things means that, despite minor differences, this difference is not seen in the essence of the thing. Thus, all those things that are essentially the same, such as wood, beyond their minor characteristics (beauty, for example) are equal to each other and therefore will burn in the same way.
The word “command” is to be the one in charge. For example, “The general is in command”.