Split Complementary. A split complementary scheme involves the use of three colors. Start with one color, find its complement and then use the two colors on either side of it. For example, the complement of blue-green is red-orange and the split complement of blue-green would be red and orange.
<u>Matching the scenarios to the </u><u>level of education</u><u> </u>
Kaylen set up the lighting system used for the production of a television broadcast ----------------------------> Vocational certification
Pierce synchronizes the sounds and dialogue of a television program with the actions in the program --------------> Associate's degree
Glenn works with film staff to identify the locations in a film that cue specific music.---------------------------> Bachelor's degree
<h3>Difference between a Vocational certification and bachelor's degree</h3>
A vocational certification is required for Jobs requiring a physical skill set more than an intellectual skill set. Kaylen setting up the lighting systems for the production of a television broadcast requires more of a physical skill set therefore a vocational certification is needed. while
An associate degree is required for Jobs requiring a higher level of intellectual skill set higher than a regular intellectual skill set required for a bachelor's degree.
Hence we can conclude that the answers to your question are as listed above.
Learn more about types of certification : brainly.com/question/27409442
What are the terms that we could pick/chose from?