The answer is C, or "If it snows, we can build a snowman". A conditional statement is when the outcome of a situation depends on if a condition happens. If this happens (it snows), then this will happen (we can build a snowman).
Taking tests always makes some students uncomfortable.
Which of the following? Besides I think that a humor used to make a serious point would be using sarcasm♂️
This poem utilizes distinctive symbolism and cautious word decision to pass on the magnificence of fall. The second and fourth lines of every stanza rhyme and the writer utilizes unpredictable musicality. Similar sounding word usage is a general procedure in this ballad. The writer is utilizing both strict and metaphorical dialect all through the ballad. She watches the sun sparkling on different things and utilizes distinctive symbolism to underline the excellence she finds in this pre-winter day. Non-literal dialect is found in her depictions. She says the daylight "flares fire like on the fire hydrant," utilizing a likeness to demonstrate how brilliantly it sparkles. She closes with a representation contrasting the September daylight with a chameleon.