Before becoming President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt was the Assistant Secretary of the Navy. He resigned in 1898 to organize the Rough Riders, the first voluntary cavalry in the Spanish-American War. The U.S. was fighting against Spain over Spain's colonial policies with Cuba.
The Great Wall is a fortificated East-to-West line which historically has delimited the Chinese Northern border. Its primary purpouse was to defend the Chinese territory against the invasions and quick raids organized by the nomadic people from the Eurasian Steppe lands, located more to the North.
But rather than as a fixed border, it should be regarded as a transition zone which establishes a distinction between two different lifestyles, even nowadays: the farmer regions in the South with sedentary ways of life and the pasture lands in the North, where its inhabitants have nomadic lifestyles and work mainly in animal husbandry activities.
I'm not sure if any were begun in 1775. The American Revolution was occurring at the time but it started in 1760's the sugar and stamp acts were in 1764 and 1765, While the Townsend act was in 1770. The declaration wasn't even started until 1817.
put the coordinates into google maps and A is in California, B is in Utah, C is in Mexico and D is in North Carolina
a fixed share of something that a person or group is entitled to receive or is bound to contribute.