Sacrifices were given to Ulysses by many gods and men, but, after the sacrifices were donated, Odysseus alone could return to his homeland. Ulysses, whose family was truly popular, ruled for many years with his wife and son.
Many schools <u>require</u> that new students have physical exams before they start classes
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You have to choose the right form of the verb in the first person
1- الاولاد ذهبو الى السوق (The kids went to the shop)
2- المعلمه مسحت السبوره (The teacher wiped the board)
3- الاشجار بجانب الجامعه (The trees are near the college)
4-السائق صاق السياره (The driver drove the car)
5- انا ذاهب الى الجامعه (I am going to the college)
6- انت مسافر الى دبي لحتفل العيد (You are travelling to Dubai to celebrate Eid)
7- الولد سقط من السقف (The boy fell from the roof)
8-هو لمس الأسد (He touched the lion)
9-هي تشبه القمر (She looks like the moon)
10-انا مريض لمده ثلاثه ايام (I'm sick for 3 days)
11-السياره خبطت الجدار (The car hit the wall)
12- خالد ذهب الى المكتبه (Khaled went to the library)
Where is the text to analyze