Answer: Food can bring happiness
It just does
probaly conformity the girls were all dancing I'm the woods alone doing something which they weren't supposed to, therefore the girls played it up as witch craft so they wouldn't get into trouble, the faint is clearly a part of this act, betty was in fear of her uncle because it would bring shame and trouble to her name. This is most likely an effort for the girls to conform into society without being seen as vile heathens in society.
For the first red, you don't need an article before "relationship".
When you're saying "type of [word]", do not put any article before that word.
Example: "a type of device"
Not too sure about the "your back" parts. It could be your teacher does not like repition.
Also not too sure about "did". He probably wanted you to use the word "felt" instead of "did feel"
The first word of the last paragraph should be "in" not "at".
The red commas definitely do not need to be there.
Don't know why he marked "time to" and "to" red.
Answer: In the first quatrain Shakespeare explains the unconditional aspects of love. Love does not change when circumstances change.
In the second quatrain love is an ideal, a guide, a stronghold. When someone is lost, love shows the way.
The third quatrain illustrates the longevity of love. It endures to the end.
In the couplet, Shakespeare asserts the truth if his observations and description of love. If proven wrong, it is as if he has never written anything, and no one has ever experienced love.
1) Mr. Wager, a neighbor of mine bought his wife a ring at Mason's Jewelry store, the ring cost's a lot of money.
2) My dad's new volks'wagon does not have air conditioning but it does have power steering and disk brake's.
3) Yesterday mom drove Aunt Doris to O'hare airport which is in the northwest of the city, she boarded a Boeing 747 to New York.