Remove the comma after August 12th and you should be all good
The sentence from the excerpt that shows Waverly practices caution is:
I climbed the sixteen steps to the door, advancing quietly up each so as not to make any warning sounds.
"Rules of the Game" is a short story by Amy Tan. The main character is Waverly Jong, a young girl who becomes an excellent chess player. In the climax of the story, Waverly gets in trouble for speaking her mind. She ends up offending her mother and, embarrassed and scared, runs away from her.
<u>Upon coming back home, Waverly is extremely cautious. The line that particularly shows us that is:</u>
<u>I climbed the sixteen steps to the door, advancing quietly up each so as not to make any warning sounds.</u>
<u>Waverly knows very well her mother is angry at her. She is hoping to make no sound and to remain unnoticed, which is why she is cautious when climbing the steps to their apartment. As a matter of fact, Waverly is a very smart girl. The story ends with her visualizing her difficult relationship with her mother as a game of chess. For now, she is losing. Her mother is still more clever, more experienced. No wonder the door was locked.</u>
The Government of the kingdom was terrible. The derogatory comments, the laws, the decisions were always awful. On the good side, the people of this Kingdom were not vulnerable to the decisions of the Government. They were intelligent. People were killed almost always, though. The kingdom was no longer peaceful like it used to be, there was slaughter in every corner. The King was astute, he knew what he was doing, he was a manipulator to all people.