I think that the diffeerece is you can have a visual image when watching the movie and really see what is going on. But when you are reading a book you get the author's point of view first hand, and you kind of get like a personal experience.
Watching a Movie you are shown and imagery of the characters and settings and usually leaves out important details of the Books and reading a book usually creates a more personal experience and understanding word by word your mind is building up a visual reality while in films it is given to you.
May 03, 2017 · It should also be noted that many among the 70% who expect positive change in the next decade also expressed some of these concerns. There will be many millions more people and millions fewer jobs in the future. The problem of future jobs is not one of skills training – it is one of diminishing jobs.
I want to say Suspicion because with the limited amount of test subjects, She may doubt her conclusions as there were not enough data or subjects to give an accurate result.