Answer and Explanation:
In Amy Tan's short story "Rules of the Game", the conflict is mainly external, man vs. man or, more specifically, daughter vs. mother. Waverly and her mother seem incapable of understanding each other's feelings and demonstrations of such feelings. That is made very clear toward the end of the story, when the mother proudly introduces Waverly to every one, even strangers, on the street. Waverly is a sort of child prodigy, a chess genius, and her mother can't help but display her. Waverly, however, does not enjoy being exhibited, reacting in a way that is disrespectful and offensive, in her mother's opinion.
My phone has is a dark grey color, has 2 small circle cameras, no home button, and is a medium sized phone
oceeans, statue of liberty,
Whe I think of the word "American"
I see oceans, statue of liberty but I don't fell myself as being American
Ada Lovelace
Since the 1800s, Ada has been known as the first computer programmer. For that reason, she can be considered an important part of history. Although she writes about computers, her "Analytical Engine" was never built. Ada was an English mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. She then realized that the computer could follow a series of simple instructions, a program, to perform a complex calculation. Ada understood the potential of the first computer blueprints better than their inventor.
Ada had a vision of a machine that could also process musical notes, letters and images, which would anticipate modern computers by a hundred years. The computer language "ADA" was even named after her. Because of her great achievements, she is called a pioneer of modern computer science. Lovelace foresaw the multi-purpose functionality of the modern computer. Ada is an important figure in history because she is called the "first computer programmer", and was the first to recognize the full potential of a 'computing machine'.
(for ada lovelace)
doing the mla style, you'll have to add everything else (e.g ur name, teacher, etc) at the top yourself. you might also have to edit some of the formats, too, such as margins, etc cuz i cant rly format that stuff in here lol. heres some simplified ways of doing MLA(sorry if the thesis isnt much of an mla format, im not fond of it lolz):