Maaf teman saya tetapi sudah waktunya. Anda perlu melakukan pekerjaan rumah Anda sendiri karena kebenaran yang paling gelap adalah .. tidak ada yang akan membantu Anda ketika Anda gagal dalam ujian. Itulah mengapa aku di sini untuk memakaimu. Berhentilah menanyakan jawaban dan coba sendiri. Minta bantuan guru Anda. Tapi berhentilah meminta jawaban dari orang lain. Itu jelas curang.
Filtre. (gramatică) Un determinant folosit pentru a demonstra identitatea lucrului la care face referire următorul substantiv; în engleză, acestea includ asta, acestea, acelea și acelea.
i believe you mean the scary fairy tale.
if so:
jill likes strawberry
jill loves strawberry because its sweet
while jack likes lemon because its sour
Who is studying? - Anne et Slyvie
Who is eating? - Madame Martin, and Monsleur Laurent
Who is arriving? - Andre
Who is meeting Dlder - Andre
Vocab words in english:
arriver - to arrive
etudiar - to study
partager - to share
chercher - to look for
manger - to eat
recontrer - to meet
dessiner - to design
oublier - to forget
Hope this helped!
<span>9. Which of the following is NOT true about louise Joliet?
He lived to publish several volumes about his explorations
10. Je suis à côté de mon amie .
11. L'hopital est près de la piscine.
12. Je fais des exercices .
13. Il vient du café
14. Ils font du sport.
15. Je dois étudier plus.
16. Je peux nager.</span>