The rightmost digit is the one's digit ( 2^0 ). If it's set, the number is odd, else it's even.
<em>Shift </em>selects multiple worksheets at the same time. <em>Ctrl</em> selects all that you selected with Ctrl pressed.
1. C) Embedded Style
2. C) User Agent Style
1. Alex will use Embedded style to create styles that apply only to the HTML document that the style was created. With Embedded styling; the rules can be embedded into the HTML document using the <style> element.
2. Since Alex has forgotten to give any style for all of his pages, the style that will be applied to his pages is User Agent Style. User Agent Style is the default style of a browser. The browser has a basic style sheet that gives a default style to any document and this style is called User Agent.
<span>The statement that "Persons who have been given access to an installation can be counted on to be of no threat" is false. If they are not honest enough, they could become the dangerous staff the company could ever had because he or she has access to everything, files, information, etc. That is why, in selecting a person to be trusted with such responsibility, he or she undergoes an intensive training.</span>