They went on speaking tours
The National Women's Party campaigned for a constitutional amendment ensuring women's voting rights throughout the United States. They used a variety of methods to work towards achieving this goal. The conventional methods of politicking such as lobbying and petitioning was the mainstay, however other more public actions were incorporated as well, such as parades, pageants, street speaking, demonstrations, and mass meetings.
To educate the public about women's suffrage, the National Woman's Party members engaged in many public speaking tours. For example, in its western campaigns of 1914 and 1916, they sent out a group of organizers and speakers to states where women already were enfranchised. Voters were urged to use the ballot to vote out members of Congress who were opposed or unwilling to support the federal suffrage amendment. These speaking tours, motorcade parades, banners, billboards, and various other methods helped to educate the public about women’s suffrage.