Territories obtained in the Mexican American War of 1848 caused further sectional strife over the expansion of slavery in the ante bellum period. ... The ideological seeds of the American Civil War, in turn, were sown during that conflict.
Assistive technology
An assistive technology device is any item, piece of equipment, or product system, or it can be an assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative device that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of people with a disability.
Answer: Both Mr. Mitchell and Coach Lewis emphasize the importance of " inner strength" to Darrell. Who is someone you believe possesses great inner strength? Make a list of qualities and actions of this person that show his or her inner strength.
What the government can do
The Bill of Rights does not just outline what the federal government can do; it also outlines individual rights such as freedom of speech, and also delegates powers that are not handled by the federal government to the states.