When you disengage from your everyday life and participate in activities that interest you, this period is your free time.
Why do we need free time?
By taking time off from work to engage in activities you enjoy, stress can be lessened. Stress can have a detrimental effect on both your mental and physical health. Burnout at work has been linked to health issues like hypertension, cardiac issues, depression, and anxiety.
What is the positive effects of leisure and play time?
Improved problem solving, a stronger work ethic, and increased creativity are all benefits of leisure and playtime. Quality leisure time has also been proved to benefit physical health, mental health, and quality of life on a broader scale, outside the context of work performance.
Learn more about free time: brainly.com/question/1285796
esta subregión limita al norte con África del Norte al este con África Central y al sur y oeste con Océano Atlántico
Either A or B. I will do readersherch
The main source of air pollution in Japan is in- dustry. Recently, a rise in the number of motor vehicles using petroleum fuel has caused pollution from exhaust gases to be- come increasingly important. (According to the web)
Earth is a round planet made up of layers. The inner core, an outer core, the lower mantle, the upper mantle, and the outer solid crust. The earth is 61 degrees F (16 C). The earth is made up of iron and nickel. In fact, the earth is made up of oxygen (46%), silicon (27.7%), aluminum (8.1%), iron (5%), and calcium (3.6%). Composition of the Earth.
Hope this helps!