Setting: Fancy dinner at an expensive restaraunt. Candle light illuminates the restaurant, and many couples are on dates. Mickey: Well, thank ‘ya for taking me to dinner, pal! Thor: No problem, for it is our 15th friendaversaey together. Mickey: *blushes* OH BOY! It has been that long, hasn’t it , pal. Thor: Well, I should call over a waiter, shouldn’t I? Mickey: Definitely! I sure am hungry. The waiter walks over to their table. Waiter: Hello, kind sirs. Would you like to start off with any drinks? Thor: My buddy can go first. Mickey: Aw, geeee. Uh, I’ll start off with some apple juice. Thor: I’d like a martini. Mickey: Shucks, you don’t seem like a martini guy! *Looks away* Waiter: Okay! Your drinks will be here shortly. *Mickey and Thor both reach for the same menu.* Thor: Uh, um, here, you can have it. I am truly sorry. Mickey: It’s alright, pal! *Mickey bats his eyes at Thor, not knowing that Thor notices* Mickey: Ah, uh, gee. My bad! I didn’t mean it, pal! Thor: Did you, though? *Thor tucks hair behind his ear and blushes* THEIR DRINKS ARRIVE Mickey: Thank ya! Do you guys serve... hotdogs? Waiter: Sir, I’m afraid we don’t. This is a 5 star, fancy italian restaraunt. Thor: *chuckles and tilts his head at mickey, smiling.* Mickey: Well isn’t that swell... THEY ORDER FOOD Thor: THIS DRINK, I LIKE IT! Mickey: Let me have a sip, Pal! MICKEY SIPS Mickey: This drink is swell! Thor: *chuckles* THEY HAVE A VERY PERSONAL, DEPRESSING CONVERSATION ABOUT THEIR BACKSTORY. Mickey: It’s been a while since I opened up to someone. It sure is fun! Mickey and Thor stare at each other and slowly start to move their heads foreward. The waiter comes with their food Waiter: Uhm, gentlemen, dinner is served. Mickey and Thor blush and look away embarrassingly. Mickey: Sorry, pal. Thor puts his hand on Mickey’s face. Thor: it’s alright. Mickey starts to move foreward and they share a quick kiss. Thor: MJOLNIR he smashes mickey with his hammer. The end