C a p i t a l i s m is the b e s t i s m
He based his strategy on the strategy of his enemies as a lot of generals do. So "he revised it based on the strategy of the British" is your answer. 7th grade American History?
Athens in the 5th to 4th century BCE had an extraordinary system of government: democracy. Under this system, all male citizens had equal political rights, freedom of speech, and the opportunity to participate directly in the political arena.
hope this helps
Nestled comfortably in the Arabian Peninsula, with access to trade in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, the UAE has a long and historical relationship with the former Empire, and now country, of India. With trade and an exchange of culture, traditions and religions that stem back centuries, the UAE and India’s colourful history is one not to be brushed over when talking about the world’s most interesting international relationships.