For this discussion, I felt very prepared. I used both background knowledge and internet research to prepare. The rules created for the meeting were pretty simple: ‘You may not interrupt when one person is talking, You cannot use profanities or vulgar language, and always follow the assigned topic.’ It seemed as though all of these rules were followed, although there needed to be more of them. Some of these being: ‘Do not start talking unless called upon,’ and ‘Use only formal and academic language.’
I feel like I stated my viewpoint clearly and correctly. I also think I was respectful to the other members and responded to their claims in an academic way, using academic language. When stating my claim, I used evidence from a credible internet article, citing the source, and giving the author credit. Other members used evidence from books and videos; they also gave credit to the authors. One of these members had a different viewpoint than mine. I again used evidence to support my claim and argue for it and against the other. When talking, I used the correct language instead of slang. For example, instead of using words like ‘tons’ and ‘heaps,’ I used words like ‘many’ and ‘large quantities.’
When speaking to other members, I made eye contact consistently with each member. I also used appropriate hand gestures to make my point more exciting and draw the other members’ attention.
Overall, the group discussion was sufficient at solving the problem. If there were more rules in place, it would be more effective. Since there was a varying amount of members, we were able to come up with a solution.