The Mediterranean and the ancient sea routes from the East.
<em>With these provisions the Treaty of Versailles threatened Germany with defeat. </em>
Many defeated the German army whereas others deprived the vanquished country of territory, economy and population wealth and pressured it to take responsibility for both the war and end up having to pay compensation.
The key terms of the Treaty of Versailles were:
- Capitulation of all German colonies as mandates of the League of Nations.
- The shift to France of Alsace-Lorraine;
- Surrender of Eupen-Malmedy to Belgium, Memel to Lithuania, Hultschin to Czechoslovakia.
The Federal Reserve and other experts predict the economy will remain subdued until 2021 or 2022. Extreme weather caused by climate change is likely to worsen. Health care costs will continue to rise. And a new era is beginning, but not in the way most people think. Though this election feels like the beginning of a partisan realignment, it’s actually the end of one. The partisan coalitions that defined the Democratic and Republican parties for decades in the middle of the twentieth century broke apart long ago; over the past half century, their component voting blocs — ideological, demographic, economic, geographic, cultural — have reshuffled.
Two were convicted of treason, but Washington later pardoned them. Washington's strong response to the Whiskey Rebellion became, as future-President James Madison put it, “a lesson to every part of the Union against disobedience to the laws.
I Hope Its Helpful
Hint The Brainliest :)
Q. Colonial protests and boycotts against the Stamp Act eventually led to the Boston Tea Party. False, it led to Parliament's decision to repeal the Act. Q. The taxes imposed on the colonies to help pay for The French and Indian War was a major cause of the eventual American Revolution.