Your available balance is what your bank will let you spend, but it might be less ... Withdraw cash: you can take that amount out of your account in cash, either at an ... are no longer available – even though your bank says you can spend that money. ... Deposits: when you deposit funds into your account, your bank might not
We can see the moon during the full moon when it is behind the earth because of the way it orbits around the earth.
- The moon orbit around the earth at a tilted angle to the orbit of the Earth around the sun.
- Furthermore, during the full moon, the moon will exhibit either behind or at the top of the earth's shadow.
- Because of the tilted orbit, when it is behind the earth's surface it is away from the earth's shadow with the exception during the Lunar eclipse.
- During the Lunar eclipse, it is easier to see the earth's shadow as it slowly covers the moon's surface.
Answer would be Navigation Acts