functional region is an area organized to function politically, socially, and economically as a single unit. Functional regions are centered on a focal point that connects other areas by various systems, such as transportation, communication, or economic activities.
Coastlines can convert back and forth among various coastal environments due to plate tectonic processes which can cause the land to rise/sink and sea level to increase/decrease: True.
- Plate tectonic is nothing but a process were both continental and oceanic plates starts drifting and converge or diverge with each other.
due to convergence of plate various landforms are formed such as Oceanic tench, fold mountains, volcanoes, etc .
- convrgence could occur between continent-continent , continent-ocean-ocean an continent-ocean plates.
due to divergence of plate boundaries multiple landforms are formed such as volcanoes , mid oceanic ridge , faulting, etc
due to folding and faulting nature, land gets rise or sink.
to know more about fold mountain click here
Just gonna show it in steps Incase u need to show ur work
final answer: x=5
humans are killing the earth
sitting there and letting the world waste away
not caring about the place
the environment is fading
no matter what location your at
interaction is wasting
the subject of caring is out of reach
the study of taking care of our planet is gone
as humans sit there and let the world waste away
instead of trying to save it
sorry it's kinda dark this is the only thing I could think of.
By studying several things, mostly meteorites, and using radioactive dating techniques, specifically looking at daughter isotopes, scientists have determined that the Solar System is 4.6 billion years old. So its Meteorites