a noun is a name place animal or a thing. an adjective describes a noun. and a preposition are words used before a noun. example of preposition: There is some MILK in the fridge. example of noun: jack, car. example of adjective: the chair is very SMALL.
Speak up it’s the only reasonable answer
C. Relaxing when he hears a knock at his door.
The poem The raven by Edgar Allan Poe opened with the narrator feeling weak and tired, he was starting to fall asleep when he heard a tapping noise like someone was gently knocking on his chamber door. The following lines:
''While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door'',
clearly show that the narrator was starting to relax when he heard tapping.
All these terms are used in reference to a word or expression except for diction that refers to a way of pronouncing.
1. Manner of expressing ideas in words: diction
2. Worn out by use: trite
3. Words or phrases usually characterized by a special vividness or coloring: slang
4. Used in everyday, informal talk, but not in formal English : colloquial
5. Stiffly dignified or formal: stilted
6. Not definitely or precisely expressed :vague
The ground shook in response to the deafening crash, and the world seemed to stand still for a moment. But only just. The ground shook, the people around the area breaking into a commotion. All of them swarmed to the nearest shelter, desperately searching for a means to escape their fate. One person rushed into their home, hastily barricading the door as several people followed after them. Another stood on the edge of a roof, apprehensively taking a step forward as the world went up in flames around them. It had come. The apocalypse, long awaited, was finally happening.