As given below.
Title: Conserving and Recycling
Introduction - Conservation is an act of preserving and managing the resources of the earth for a sustainable future by preserving and allowing for the regeneration of potential.
- Organization's purpose and goals: To aim to recycle and reutilize resources.
- To aim to manage and reduce wastes. To aim to reorganize and monitor anthropogenic activities.
Types of events: City waste management.
Type of education: mitigation
Conservation policies: Use of three Rs and CSR.
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About an Hour and 20 mins
A breakdown in the Universe as objects would move out of their orbits.
Muscle athropy and osteoporosis
All objects would move freely in space and also on earth. Due to this loss of mass, the human body's bones and muscles will have no weight on them hence leading to them shrinking. On a larger scale there will be no orbits to hold planets and other celestial bodies in place.