It depends on the history of colonialism in the area, but a safe bet is Swahili / French and English.
Near the Cote d'Ivoire and Senegal regions the <u>French</u> had influence for many years, so naturally many Africans there speak French.
<u>English</u> is the current language of business and higher education --everyone wants to know English because it's helpful in trade and commerce.
<u>Swahili</u> is a "lingua franca" in East Africa, which means that it's often used as an intermediate for two people who have their own native tongue (say, Yoruba and Igbo).
During Franklin’s era, there was myth that a severed snake would come back to life if the pieces were put together before sunset.
The article of confederation was failed because national government was powerless.
What is Articles of Confederation?
The thirteen states fought in American Revolution create an arrangement known as article of confederation effected for eight years from 1781 to 1789. The states retain its rules, control and liberty.
The states were not supporting national government financially and some states were made agreements with foreign governments, resulting weak and helpless national government.
Following reasons which fail the article of confederation.
• Allowed only one vote to each state
• Tax cannot be collected from states
• No control on trades and cannot enforce any act
• The court, legal system and combine military force was not available
• Each state have its own money, economy was not stable
These reasons were pointed out and states want changes in Articles of Confederation.
Learn more about Confederation #SPJ1
It won the sympathy of Europeans, making it less likely for them to support the Confederacy.
The Treaty of Paris, ending the Spanish-American War, was signed on December 10. Spain gave up Guam, Puerto Rico, its possessions in the West Indies, and the Philippines in exchange for a U.S. payment of $20 million. The United States occupied Cuba but, as provided for in the Teller Amendment, did not try to annex it.