B- Visual, because plays/movies or whatever the script is for is a visual.
C. whether a view is familiar or shocking does not determine if it is constitutional.
In other words, what the quote indicates is that the Constitution was created for people and, as everybody knows, people are different. In this way, opinions will not affect all individuals in the same way, and they are not responsible for deciding about the constitutionality of the statutes which represent these opinions.
Because scops (oral storytellers) were telling their stories orally and not from a written account, they needed something that would allow them to easily remember those stories. This why you notice that tales or epics that were first told orally have a certain cadence that makes it easier to follow. This allows the storyteller to remember and it also allows the reader to follow along in a better way.
As an interesting side note, these story tellers would also sometimes put the stories to music as that was another way to tell the stories. They would start as ballads and the storyteller would play a tune while they sang the stories.
Dante encounters unbaptized infants and classic poets such as Homer, Horace, Ovid, and Lucan in Limbo, which is basically the first circle of Hell in Dante's Divine Comedy.
Depends if you can have the speech with you , or you have to completely memorize it . Memorizing,, it maybe a day or two before