- both contain H and O
- both are compounds , (different types of atoms)
- both are formed from covalent bonds and non metals
South America's geologic structure consists of two dissymmetric parts. In the larger, eastern portion are found a number of stable shields forming highland regions, separated by large basins (including the vast Amazon basin). The western portion is occupied almost entirely by the Andes Mountains.
The quartz is more resistant to abrasion and chemically more resistant than the feldspar. The result is that the quartz remains in the stream but the feldspar breaks down to clay or is dissolved.
(this is from
<em>Demography: the investigation of the attributes of human populaces. </em>
<em>Demography: the investigation of the attributes of human populaces. </em><em>Age</em><em>,</em> race, sex, different models incorporate where individuals live, where individuals are going,<em> where individuals are conceived, where individuals pass on. </em>
Check is a flat out number of a populace or statistic occasion <em>happening in a predefined time and spot</em>. - essential enrollment frameworks, authoritative records, a few nations don't have these records, <em>so you should locate an alternate method to get information for example a yearly study.</em>