Since , as , more, view of the fact.
Answer: emphasize that statewide changes depend on individual choices
Explanation: Writers frequently use subordination to signal an imbalance or inequality between ideas. In the sentence toward the middle of the final paragraph, the author uses the subordinate clause “if Wyoming is going to be a more diverse place” to identify a situation that could exist in the future. She then uses an independent clause to reveal the condition that must be met for this situation to exist—“people have to choose to live” there. By organizing the sentence this way, the author places an emphasis on what individuals must do in order to change the state of Wyoming as a whole.
I am not completely sure, but I would say that the apothecary suggests that Jane go to school because he believes Jane would be happier and healthier away from Gateshead. She tells him how unhappy she is, so that is why he wants to help her.
Answer: I think that jack hits piggy to assert dominance and show piggy that they are not at the same level.
Explanation: Jack is the type of guy that shows power by putting down the weak or the people in the lowest of the food chain. For example, Jack is rude to littleuns piggy, and also Ralph (because ralph is in the way of jake ruling).