Well Rome conquered many countries and people but the first ones were probably the Carthaginians. It could also be the Jewish, Germanic tribes, Celtics, etc.
The answer is evolutionary psychology as this theory is the
one responsible of having to explain the evolution of an individual in terms of
their mind and their behavior in which it involves their psychological traits.
In the statement above, evolutionary psychology predicts that a person is more altruistic
towards relatives than close friends for this theory explains the psychological
behavior of an individual and how his or her mind affects his or her way of
behaving towards the society or towards other people around him or her. It
explains why a person is much closer to his or her friends than of his or her
In Economics, the want satisfying power of a commodity is called “utility”. Utility is the capacity of a commodity to satisfy particular human want.
By using relaxing/ laughing as a coping strategy, it’ll make you spend time with people who make you laugh, and make you participate in activities that make you happy and laugh. It also improves your immune system. Relaxing also helps recharge your batteries.