fiction books are alphabetical order by the author's last name.
He turned into speakme about the wish that was given to slaves while the emancipation proclamation changed into exceeded and for a long time, it did nothing. It came as a joyous daybreak to quit the lengthy night of their captivity." Metaphor: The Emancipation Proclamation is in comparison to a "fantastic beacon light of hope." The injustice of slavery is in comparison to searing flames. The Emancipation Proclamation is compared to a joyous daybreak after a long night.
B- logos, which is the appeal of logic. Its definitely not pathos, witch is emotional appeal, or even ethos, which is ethical appeal
Because I talked to them about how I felt after I failed my test, they comforted me.
Example: You cried to a friend about a bad grade and they told you about how smart you are. (Not sure if this was too helpful haha)
When Romeo's friends can't find him, they assume he is mad about Rosaline when really he has fallen in love with a new girl. It's irony because we already know he is love with Juilet, but they think he is still mad about Rosaline.