To my mind, the biggest problem with the play is that we are not given an sufficient explanation for Hamlet’s miserable treatment of Ophelia. honestly if i was a man i would want some respect. but if i was ophelia i would want to be treated like a lady.
A. It hints that the transmitter will sound off only if George thinks unacceptable thoughts.
Check explanation
Complete the sentences with can/can't
A. He CAN make biscuits.
b. He CAN'T play the violin. He CAN play the guitar.
c. Mickey CAN make paintings.
d. Bob CAN cook delicious kangreburguers.
e. They CAN'T cook alone but they CAN cook with their mother.
f. Donald CAN drive a car.
g. They CAN swim.
h. He CAN'T sing. He has a terrible voice! .........
i. He CAN speak German.
According to the article restless genes are different groups of genes that contribute multiple traits, some allowing us to explore and others pressing us to do so. They contribute the urge to explore, the ability, the motivation and the means.
The restless genes, according to the article, are responsible for the human compulsion to see what lies beyond what we can see.
They are genes built through human evolution of a gene variant, known as DRD4-7R and carried by roughly 20 percent of all humans, which researchers proved to be tied to curiosity and restlessness.
The genes make people more likely to take risks, explore new places, ideas, foods, relationships, drugs, and generally embrace movement, change, and adventure.