How about we put the fractions into decimals?
1/2 is 0.5
2/3 is 0.66666(6)
So we need to find something that is between them.
the denominator can't be 2, because bigger than 1/2 is 2/2, which is 1 and is bigger than 0.6
it also can't be 3, because smaller than 2/3 is 1/2, which is 0.333... and is smaller than 0.5.
Can it be 4? we can't have 2/4 (it's the same as 1/2), or 3/4, it's 0.75, and it's bigger than 0.666...
how about 5?
2/5=0.4,no, too small
3/5=0.6- perfect! that's the answer!
The elements with the same atomic number but different mass are called isotopes.
Isotopes are atoms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons in their nuclei. That is, isotopes are atoms that have the same atomic number - equal numbers of protons - but different atomic mass - different number of neutrons. Their chemical properties, however, do not differ.
Laws protect not only peoples safety, but their right as well. If laws were to not exist the world would be in total meltdown (just like the purge all the time).
The answer to this quesiton is <span>naturalistic observation
</span><span>naturalistic observation refers to a type of research in which scientists will observe the subject at their natural environment.
In this particular case, 'daters' are the subject of their experiment and 'dating events' are the natural environment.</span>
The first one and the second one. Hope this helped! : )