- Una nación de Sur América es Uruguay.
- El presidente de Uruguay se llama Tabaré Vázquez.
- Un programa para dar computadoras a niños pobres es el Plan Ceibal.
- El científico que fabricó las computadoras se llama Nicholas Negroponte.
- La marca de las computadoras portátiles es XO.
- La escuela que recibió las computadoras se llama Villa Cardal.
- Un pequeño departamento uruguayo se llama Florida.
- El premio de tecnología que el programa recibió fue Prix Ars.
To answer these types of questions <u>we just have to know what is being talked about</u>. In this case it is El Plan Ceibal, it was a program that distributed new computers to poor children.
Maria Nsue Angue was the first woman author who published a novel in Equatorial Guinea. Her book, Ekomo, was very controversial because it veered away from the traditional way of writing. It also tackled issues that have not been tackled before. This is due to her being a woman.
Her novel in some ways reflected the current situation in society. However, it also deals with how women goes beyond the societal restrictions. Because of this novel, readers are not only made aware of the real situation but also given the opportunity to reevaluate their lives and do something about it. Not merely submitting to what was imposed on them based on their gender and ethnicity.
B. la balsa muisca de oro.
6. La pieza de orfebrería precolombina que suele relacionarse con la tradición indígena que dio lugar a la leyenda de El Dorado es:
B. la balsa muisca de oro.
The answer is c) recibo una A. La nota es noventa y cinco