Explained below:
Density-dependent factors are biological factors adopted by the population as a resource. The things can be like shelter, food, or different poor resources. Density-dependent factors affect fitful variations in the population as its density fluctuations. If the population is small, these portions typically support improved rates of birth and lower will be the death rates, empowering the population to increase and when the population is big and thick, these factors display that the birth rate is decreased and death rate became higher.
These are called carrier proteins, and they have what it is called: solute-binding sites, that when saturated, they are considered "full".
Each different amino acid needs a separate carrier protein to move it across the plasma membrane, so that's 3, then the four different sugars need separate carriers as well, we add 4 more then, we have 7 so far, finally the 2 different ions use 2 more, plus the other 7, totals 9.
i believe the answer is C: hospitalizations
The phylum Echinodermata , which contains about 6000 species, gets its name from the Greek, literally meaning "spiny skin." Many echinoderms actually do have "spiny" skin, but others do not. This phylum exists exclusively in the sea, and cannot be found on land or in fresh water.