The turning point in Greek history was the Trojan war in 12th century
The Constitution gives three eligibility requirements to be president: one must be 35 years of age, a resident"within the United States" for 14 years, and a "natural born Citizen," a term not defined in the Constitution.
After this vote, the antebellum political landscape was forever changed. The failure of the Wilmot Proviso only put off the issue of slavery for so long.
The Mexican-American war (1846-1848) changed the slavery debate. It almost doubled the size of the United States and began a debate, between Northerners and Southerners, over what to do with the newly acquired land.
Aristotle (c. 384 B.C. to 322 B.C.) was an Ancient Greek philosopher and scientist who is still considered one of the greatest thinkers in politics, psychology and ethics. When Aristotle turned 17, he enrolled in Plato's Academy. In 338, he began tutoring Alexander the Great. hope that helps!