I haven’t researched this much, but i do know that there were no beds for the slaves, they were chained to the ground shoulder to shoulder, typically unclothed. a lot would vomit from seasickness, terror, or lack of nutrition, and a good portion of them died before getting to their destination.
Okay, so obviously nuclear weapons proved to be a threat that would possibly destroy the world. The Soviet Union and the United States build up a stockpile of nuclear weapons and used the fact that the world may be destroyed to keep the other country at bay.
Britiain responded by sending over troops which was eventually what sparked the Revolution.
Answer: People have no control over whether they go to heaven or hell.
Explanation: Puritanism was created at the end of the 16th century and in the 17th century by the English Protestants during Queen Elizabeth I. Namely, they believed that the church reform was not complete in terms of church practice. Their beliefs and principles were based on simplified and regulated church laws and forms of worship. They were strict in terms of morality, advocated the censoring of moral beliefs, they were called upon to reform the Anglican church, and that by their moral examples to challenge those who remained in the English, to change their sinful ways and patterns. They believed that God created with them a sort of agreement, as with their chosen people, and that they lived in harmony with the scriptures and the Bible. As such, they believed that they should give an example to others, with their strict moral laws, simple life and simple doctrines of worship, thus encouraging others to be saved because people are basically sinful beings.