Correct Answer: No change in serum glucocorticoid level
Response Feedback:Primary adrenal insufficiency would be indicated when the adrenal cortex fails to produce cortisol when synthetic ACTH is administered. Serum cortisol levelswould increase following ACTH administration if the adrenal cortex is functioning properly. Primary adrenal insufficiency occurs when there is no change in the serum glucocorticoid level.
water is neutral 7 is neutral ph
7) 50% percent chance, child is theirs. write A A on the top of the punent square, and B b on the sides. Mom is Homozygous which means her genes are the same, hence A A, dad is heterozygous hence B b.
Hope this helped!
A bilayer of phospholipids form the cell membrane. They have hydrophobic tails and hydrophilic heads. Hope this helps! :)