ears help you to listen as while voice helps to speak so they help to hear and speak. to make sure your voice is healthy you should try Drink water to keep your body well hydrated, and avoid alcohol and caffeine. ...
Allow yourself several "vocal naps" every day, especially during periods of extended use. ...
Don't smoke, or if you already do, quit.
The Greek/Latin affix auto- means self or the same.
- Autobiography: a biography that the author writes about themselves.
- Autonomy: self-governing; the right/power for self-government. In Greek, nomos means law - therefore, it is the power to make our own laws.
- Autocracy: a state or society where one person has the unlimited governing power. In Greek, kratein means ruling.
- Autograph: one's own signature. (Graphein - to write.)
- Autodidact: a self-taught person. (Didaskein - to teach.)
I've been keeping a schedule and trying not to eat everything in my house.
both of these have helped me because keeping a schedule allows for some sort of normality that you would have at school and eating healthy food and not everything in your house will keep your weight down