La respuesta es la b incas
Generally, white power structures responded to the Civil Rights Movement based on their geographic location. Thus, most southerners spoke out against this movement, while most northerners supported the cause. This situation was even transversal to the Democratic and Republican parties, since for example Lyndon Johnson, Democratic President who approved the Civil Rights Act in 1964, supported the movement while Orval Faubus, Governor of Arkansas for the same party, did not do so in absolute.
In general, the governors and mayors of the south of the country did everything possible to prevent the advancement and achievements of this movement, through imprisonment (such as in Birmingham, where Martin Luther King was imprisoned), police repression and various government restrictions.
In contrast, northern politicians and those in Washington generally had a more open and responsive stance, supporting the movement and believing in equal opportunities.
Assuming you're referring to the same text as before, yes her feelings about working in the mill are typical in the sense that she found the work slightly boring.
-Some Allied offensives saw the use of large numbers of parachute troops and gliders.
-Some German scientists, such as Einstein, helped the Allies defeat the Nazis.
-Most of the naval battles in the Pacific were fought by aircraft carriers attacking each other.
They had a Constitutional meeting.
Every time something political or something to do with the president then there is some type of meeting where some people get together and figure out a solution. The only reason they have these meetings is because they have other people's opinion about one situation and see who agrees more one one solution or if everybody has a different solution then they go with which ever one makes sense or easier to handle in that specific problem.