Bacon's methodology was to experiment and then draw conclusions (trial strategy). Descartes' methodology was to question everything until it was demonstrated valid.
Bacon's methodology known as the "base up" approach, this strategy makes a hypothesis from various perceptions. Rene Descartes, a mathematician, interestingly, needed to have his evidences fortified by prior hypotheses. Bacon underlined experimentation and perception, while Descartes stressed human thinking. The logical strategy depended on the possibility that reality could come distinctly through examination.
Today, Bacon is still generally viewed as a significant figure in logical procedure and normal way of thinking during the English Renaissance. Having supported a sorted out arrangement of getting information in light of a helpful objective, he is to a great extent credited with introducing the new early present day period of human comprehension.
There is nothing in the Bible that says God the Father is a created Being or that he made Jesus Christ. If something or someone created him then not only does it mean he is NOT deity (by most people's definition), but it also begs still more questions like who or what created our Creator?
Something has always had to exist, whether it is matter or spirit (e.g. God), intelligent or inanimate. This is because (in a principle going back to ancient Greek philosophy) SOMETHING can never come from or out of NOTHING. A vacuum or void can never produce matter. The universal law of cause and effectstates the principle that what a thing DOES is based on what it IS. Because a void, by its very definition, contains nothing and therefore has nothing as a CAUSE, it cannot produce anything (e.g. matter) as an EFFECT.
Either God, as an intelligent Being, has always existed or matter has. It is either one or the other. Matter could not have always existed since, based on the second law of thermodynamics, if it did all the starswould have all burned out by now. Therefore, the existence of an eternal, all-powerful God is required as the 'first cause' of everything that exists.
The 'Big Bang,' of itself, was not the first or initial cause of the material universe we see today. Rather, God's choice (as the first true 'cause') brought everything into existence using the Big Bang.
The people who were expert sailors and traders in the Mediterranean area were the the Phoenicians
The Phoenicians
The Phoenicians were known for their significant naval force and they were helping cope with the need of Iron throughout the Mediterranean area. They were expert sailors who would trade linen, iron, gold, cloth and slaves from one area to another.
They were the middlemen of the neighbouring regions. Would transport from Egypt, Cyprus, Arabia and Africa. They played a very important role in transporting things from one place to another and were well known traders.