the effects of a volcano is they can cause rain, thunder and lightning. Volcanoes can also have long-term effects on the climate, making the world cooler. Fast-moving lava can kill people and falling ash can make it hard for them to breathe. They can also die from famine, fires and earthquakes which can be related to volcanoes. One of the most effective ways of reducing the risk of a volcanic eruption is having an evacuation plan. This involves ensuring evacuation strategies are in place along with emergency shelter and food supplies being planned for.
person vs. society
The answer would be person vs. society because the school's rules are a social convention. It would not be person vs. person because people are not conflicting with each other. It would also not be person vs. self because that would be an inner conflict with yourself. Finally, it would not be person vs. nature because that comes from a conflict with a natural force.
Answer:The law of superposition states that rock strata (layers) farthest from the ground surface are the oldest (formed first) and rock strata (layers) closest to the ground surface are the youngest (formed most recently). A fossil is the remains or traces of plants and animals that lived long ago.
Law of Superposition
The relative ages of rocks are important for understanding Earth's history. New rock layers are always deposited on top of existing rock layers. Therefore, deeper layers must be older than layers closer to the surface. This is the law of superposition.
Something that we hope you have learned from these lessons and from your own life experience is that the laws of nature never change. They are the same today as they were billions of years ago. Water freezes at 0° C at 1 atmosphere pressure; this is always true.
Knowing that natural laws never change helps scientists understand Earth’s past because it allows them to interpret clues about how things happened long ago. Geologists always use present-day processes to interpret the past. If you find a fossil of a fish in a dry terrestrial environment did the fish flop around on land? Did the rock form in water and then move? Since fish do not flop around on land today, the explanation that adheres to the philosophy that natural laws do not change is that the rock moved.
1What type of unconforruity is represented between layers E+I+F and E? Is intrusion C older or younger than
layers D, H, and A? Which principle do you apply to solve this? Is fault *5 older or younger than intrusion C? Which
principle do you apply to solve this? Rock sequence fi'om oldest to youngest:
A flood is when a bunch of water comes rushing into a place and everything is almost completely covered in water. A landslide is much the same except it is with land-not water.