The client's paroxysmal dyspnea was probably caused by sleeping in bed with the legs at the level of the heart; this position increases venous return from dependent body areas, increasing the intravascular volume. Sitting up and leaning forward while keeping the legs dependent slows venous return as well as increases thoracic capacity. Although the contour position elevates the client's head, it does not place the legs in a dependent enough position to substantially decrease venous return. The recumbent position is contraindicated. Venous return increases when the lower extremities are at the level of the heart. Also, the pressure of the abdominal organs against the diaphragm decreases thoracic capacity. The Trendelenburg position is contraindicated. Venous return increases when the lower extremities are higher than the level of the heart. Also, the pressure of the abdominal organs against the diaphragm decreases thoracic capacity.
False because you grow more in my opinion by losing
B the cell will lose water
Because of the hypertonic solution water will move on the concentration gradient leaving the cell and entering the solution. Thus the cell looses water.
Extra glucose is stored in the liver as the large compound called glycogen.