Here is a "paragraph" about what bullying/cyberbullying is to me:
The dictionary says bullying/cyberbullying is "insulting with threats; imperious; overbearing; blustering: as, a bullying manner." but it's not really. Bullying/cyberbullying is in my opinion, a way that someone gains "power" from making other people feel unneeded, unwanted, useless, powerless, and useable to bully again. Bullying/cyberbullying is an outlet for people who don't exactly have their perfect life and make themselves happier.
I thinks it’s A cause stock character is in literature and theater or film of a type quickly recognized and accepted by the reader or viewer and requiring no development by the writer
Answer: There are different ways to answer this, but in my opinion, i think that he means that without the mysterious or questions that need to be answered there would not be a need for arts or science. What i mean is without any questions you wouldnt need answers. Without questions, science would be nothing
D. Rewriting the definition of a word in the form of a question