The correct answer is 30:(
Coexistence occur when individual occupying in a particular place are able survive with limited resources.
Dispersal - some of the lizard go hunting, they disperse themselves to various places to get resources.
Stability mechanism- this happen when individual stabilizes them selves in a particular habitat dealing with
environmental variations that may occur and drift them apart.
Equalizing mechanism - they all try to be at the same pace to avoid been out compete, even though some are stronger they equalize their energy for all to manage the limited resources.
Starfish has a endoskeleton
a coral has a exoskeleton
sponge has neither
Answer: D) located in the lysosomes
I'm a little confused by this question. Hypertonic just means that something has more of something than another thing. For example, if you place a cell in a solution, and 2% of the cell is made out of something while the solution is made out of 40% of the same thing, the solution would be hypertonic to the cell. Sorry if that explanation doesn't make sense, I tried my best lol.
Although I'd assume the answer is passive transport as anything that is hypertonic to something else will diffuse down its gradient in an attempt to reach a balance.