The speaker feels anxious and eager. He knows that ultimately the suffering will be worth it.
My answer is a. He has already been to the asteroid
Boo Radley was a good person but perceived as someone who must be isolated. He himself chose to isolate himself from society. The justice about whether to judge him as a murderer or a defender was overlooked by Atticus because of Radley's history. The instability of Boo's family highlights the theme of how even within homes, equal human rights can be ignored. Aunt Alexandra is traditional and prejudice at first but becomes open to the views of Atticus because of her love for the family.
beds of roses, a thousand fragrant posies, a cap of flowers, a kirtle embroidered leaves of myrtle, a gown made of the finest wool, fair lined slippers with buckles of the purest gold, a belt of straw and Ivy buds with coral clasps and amber studs
The shepherd promised to give the object of his affection things that he thought would make her happy such as fine clothing, slippers and accessories. He thought the lady would be enticed by things that would beautify her. He thought these things would give her pleasure.
what are the words u didn't show