The two trials of Dr. Carl Anthony Coppolino are case studies in the importance juries attach to an ostensibly discredited witness. In the first trial they chose to disbelieve a self-confessed accessory to murder and were swayed instead by the welter of contradictory forensic evidence.
B. Spell checker
Spell checker is a program designed to identify misspelled words and notify the writer about the mistake. The programs can further auto correct the word or allow the writer to choose from various corrections of the word. In Microsoft, a red underline appears on the misspelled word to display the error.
(you have to copy and paste into the browser and I had to space out so brainly would let me post I hope you do well on the assignment)
h t t p s : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = d Q w 4 w 9 W g X c Q